Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Christmas!!!

Hope everybody has an awesome christmas day . . . filled with happy goodness . . . singing elves and wonderous reindeer antics.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

PTG site underway!

PTG is the Perpetual Technology Group. Vada Creative Studio hired by the this past month to redesign their website, currently at and . These fellows sell a great product - language tests to universities and individuals.

They approached us and asked if we could give their logo/website/identity a face lift . . .
So far we ate their logo for breakfast: Next we plan to chew up their existing website, spit it out and make a new one! good times! Keep posted, this project should be done mid january.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Vada Creative Studio
vada creative studio was founded by Andrew Colin Beck and Debra Lowe in 2010 under the name mindcloud media. It's goal was to rid the world of ugliness, boringness, and visual mediocrity. If design is eye candy, you could them the visual willy-wonkas. mindcloud media took on the identity of vada in July of 2010 - the name mindcloud (used since high school) seemed to not expand as far as Andrew and Debra's imaginations could go.

What is Vada? What does it mean?
They chose the word VADA because deep down it is a nonsense word. It means whatever your mind wants it to mean. It is happiness and explosions and hearts and imaginary friends. Wikipedia gives us a few ideas - Vada is an Indian food . . . no . . . it is an automotive association . . . no . . . It's a hindu community development center . . . um . . .

The closest thing I have found to making sense is this: A friend told me it means "GO" in some other language ( i think it was italian). Wether that is true or not . . . I like it. Vada is the word that embodies that feeling you get when you see something you wish you had created. Vada is the elation you feel when you hear a piece of music that tells your heart exactly what it needs to hear. Vada is creativity. Vada is an idea.

What does Vada Creative Studio do?
A brief list:
1. Websites
2. Logos
3. Flyers
4. Posters
5. T-shirts
5.5. Illustrations
6. Music spots
6.5. Brochures/ pamphlets
7. Animated Videos
8. Video commercials
9. Web Advertisements
10. Business Cards
11. Greeting Cards
12. Other things that the imagination can cook up

Vada Creative Studio is pro and helping you formulate sound, solid and attractive advertising solutions - then at helping you create them, and bring them into existence - then at helping you implement them. The studio is experienced at marketing, branding, usability and technology.

How can they be contacted?
phone: 801.400.0112

Let them know what they can cook up for you!!!

Christmas Cards are here again

Printing Christmas cards has become priority number one over in Vada Creative Studio world. We have designed and printed some wonderful cards this year and learned a lot about how expensive it is to print on nice paper.

Most of our clients chose the Rudolph the Red nosed T-rex card. It was very popular with the children of our clientele families.

The asterisk trend "****"

Have you noticed how recently the asterisk has become a huge sensation sweeping the logo/ design world? What makes this little mark so fashionable at the time being?
Google research recently showed me that an original star has gone out of date and is no longer in vouge. Logos of recent past (starbucks, walmart) prominently featured a 5 poin
ted star as a main component. I believe the asterick is a derivative of this star fixation, but is the progressive web 2.0, 21rst century version. After all, when you push the button on a phone with an asterisk on it, it is call the "star key". Walmart is the most obvious article of evidence to site. Their old logo was a traditional 5 point star - in 2008 they changed their look to include an asterisk in place it's place.

But this still doesn't solve the mistery of why it is so prominent. The asterisk is quite visually pleasing, with it's equal sides and visually expanding nature. * - it also appears to be a star at a small size, which means it can grab attention fairly easily.

The most fascinating part of this asterisk mystery is how the meaning of the actual symbol has changed. An asterisk was originally intended to show where a piece of information has a linked piece of information else where on a page. The dictionary defines it as: "a small starlike symbol used in writing and printing as a reference mark to indicate omission, doubtful matter, etc. This meaning has been completely shed, as the the starlike form has come to mean, LOOK AT ME! Or in reality, nothing at all.

How long will the trend last? Will we give in to it? Stay tuned