Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Vada Creative Studio
vada creative studio was founded by Andrew Colin Beck and Debra Lowe in 2010 under the name mindcloud media. It's goal was to rid the world of ugliness, boringness, and visual mediocrity. If design is eye candy, you could them the visual willy-wonkas. mindcloud media took on the identity of vada in July of 2010 - the name mindcloud (used since high school) seemed to not expand as far as Andrew and Debra's imaginations could go.

What is Vada? What does it mean?
They chose the word VADA because deep down it is a nonsense word. It means whatever your mind wants it to mean. It is happiness and explosions and hearts and imaginary friends. Wikipedia gives us a few ideas - Vada is an Indian food . . . no . . . it is an automotive association . . . no . . . It's a hindu community development center . . . um . . .

The closest thing I have found to making sense is this: A friend told me it means "GO" in some other language ( i think it was italian). Wether that is true or not . . . I like it. Vada is the word that embodies that feeling you get when you see something you wish you had created. Vada is the elation you feel when you hear a piece of music that tells your heart exactly what it needs to hear. Vada is creativity. Vada is an idea.

What does Vada Creative Studio do?
A brief list:
1. Websites
2. Logos
3. Flyers
4. Posters
5. T-shirts
5.5. Illustrations
6. Music spots
6.5. Brochures/ pamphlets
7. Animated Videos
8. Video commercials
9. Web Advertisements
10. Business Cards
11. Greeting Cards
12. Other things that the imagination can cook up

Vada Creative Studio is pro and helping you formulate sound, solid and attractive advertising solutions - then at helping you create them, and bring them into existence - then at helping you implement them. The studio is experienced at marketing, branding, usability and technology.

How can they be contacted?
email: andrew@vadastudio.com
phone: 801.400.0112

Let them know what they can cook up for you!!!

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